3rd Friday of Advent 2023

A slight change of format here. It's been an embarrassingly long time since I recorded any SOAP here (It's been a bit random and mostly done on paper), but one of the things I am doing is preparing reflection as part of my training.

Here is the one for the third Friday of Advent 2023

Luke 1 46:56

The Magnificat

Mary's song of praise to God gives thanks for what God has done for her and through her.

Mary is, as she says, a lowly servant. She is a young girl from a small country village and yet God has chosen her to be the mother of his Son. Because of Mary’s trust and love of God she is our greatest example of discipleship, blessed by all generations.

God does not judge people the way we do, nor does He favour the mighty and powerful.

Mary predicts this in her praise - God will bring the powerful down and raise up the poor and downtrodden. This is something Luke emphasises throughout his gospel, and it should give us hope but also compassion.

God loves us all, not for our wealth or our accomplishments but for who we are.

We too are called to love people not because of what they have achieved or how much power or wealth they have, but because they are made in the image and likeness of God.

If we can see the face of God in the poorest of people then we come close to seeing with God's eyes.

Also, no matter how unworthy we may judge ourselves to be,God loves us and wants to help us to be the best version of ourselves.

As we come to the end of Advent and prepare to welcome the Christ child, let us imitate Mary. Trust God, recognise the great things he has done for us and exult in the goodness of our God. May our souls also magnify the lord and may our hearts rejoice in the Lord our saviour.

