Friday of the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time 2022

Scripture Psalm 56(57):2-4

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy

for in you my soul has taken refuge.

In the shadow of your wings I take refuge

till the storms of destruction pass by.


I take refuge in God, He helps me to cope with the trials of life.


Whatever may happen in this world I have the promise of God's love and saving grace to help me deal with it. Perhaps this does mean that religion is a crutch for me, but I think it means that knowing God is real and being in a relationship with Him makes a real difference to how I approach life. There's no way to do a double-blind randomised trial of faith. In the end this is not a matter of science, but one of faith. Christianity is not a religion of the book, but an encounter with the living Christ.


Lord Jesus, you know that I struggle with my personal relationship with you, logic convinces me of your existence, and experience has helped to confirm it, but I am still sceptical and slow to believe. Help me to overcome my scepticism so that I may truly enter into a personal relationship with you. Amen!

