Saturday of the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time 2022

Scripture Psalm 79(80):3

Let us see your face, Lord, and we shall be saved


To see God's face means we need to recognise him for who He is, not just to see the outward form. Especially for the author of the psalm for whom there could be no way too see the face of God in the sense that the people could actually see Jesus. But despite having Jesus physically present many or most people did not recognise Jesus for who He was.


How do I see the face of God today? He is present in all people, but how good am I at recognising Him?


Heavenly Father, help me to see you in my life today. Both in the people I meet, made in your image, but also in encounter with Jesus in whom you came in a physical form that we could all see. Even today you are physically present to us in the consecrated hosts of the Eucharist. May I value them for what they truly are, not just for what they appear to be.

