Thursday of the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time 2022

Scripture Psalm 55(56):13

I am bound by the vows I have made you.

O God, I will offer you praise

for you have rescued my soul from death,

you kept my feet from stumbling

that I may walk in the presence of God

and enjoy the light of the living.


God promises us much, but expects us to honour our commitments and duties to Him.


I am bound by my vows, baptismal, confirmation, marriage. God has rescued my soul from death. I do now walk in the presence of my God and I hope to be with him after death.


Heavenly Father, I have offered myself to you. Help me to stay true to that, to always live me life in awareness of the promises I have made to you so that I can be able to receive the gifts you offer. Not worthy as I can never earn them, but able to accept them and be in your presence. Amen

